JPMI (Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Inovatif) 2024-06-29T00:00:00+00:00 Asep Saepulrohman, M.Si Open Journal Systems <p>JPMI (Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Inovatif) is a Community Service Journal published in 2023 by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Pakuan University (Unpak), Bogor. and is a Scientific Journal which contains and publishes the results of the dedication of lecturers and students.</p> Empowerment of Micro/ Small/ Medium Enterprises in Making Traditional Herbal from Family Medicinal Plants as an Effort to Achieve SDGs 2024-06-03T08:30:58+00:00 Nhadira Nhestricia Novi Fajar Utami Fitria Dewi Sulistiyono Dea Putri Riswana Agita Detia Putra <p>Cikarawang Village, Dramaga District, Bogor Regency has a Merdesa community which engaged in plantations. This community has become micro/small/medium enterprises (MSMEs) but has not been able to significantly improve the welfare of the community in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The purpose of this activity is to be able to develop the home yards of the Cikarawang Village community to be more useful, the second can increase the community's production sector, and the last is expected to increase the birth of MSMEs in Cikarawang Village. This program is also carried out in collaboration with the Kebun Merdesa Community. Herbs are the community's choice in curing diseases, and some even cultivate herbs as Family Medicinal Plants or commonly referred to as Family Medicinal Plants. The Family Medicinal Plants area around the community's yard area can easily obtain medicinal plants which are then processed into herbal medicine. This program will also involve education units. Promotional media in the form of banners, billboards, and banners will be made and installed in strategic locations towards partners to complement this program which is also a means of information for the village community. This activity involved 2 lecturers and 2 students from Pharmacy Bachelor Program with combined the program of Freedom of Learning Independent Campus which oriented towards community service. The formation of micro-business units in Cikarawang Kebun Merdesa Village, increasing the productivity and creativity of Cikarawang Village’s youth, and also providing added value economically, socially, and culturally were implemented.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JPMI (Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Inovatif) Introduction to Safe and Appropriate Cosmetics for Teenagers Vocational School 2024-06-03T08:33:52+00:00 Honifa Asri Wulandari Mindiya Fatmi Marybet Tri Retno Handayani Wilda Nurhikmah <p>Cosmetics are beauty products intended for use on the skin, hair, nails, lips, external genital organs, teeth, and oral mucosa. Knowledge about choosing the right cosmetics is necessary because many people make mistakes in determining the type of cosmetics to use, the types of ingredients used, and cosmetic rules. One step to increase awareness of safe ingredients and the use of cosmetics is to provide education through the university's education, research, and community service activities, namely Community Service. especially among teenagers. This activity aims to provide outreach on how to choose safe and appropriate cosmetics for teenagers and provide education on how to report side effects from using cosmetics to BPOM. In community service activities, the method used is to provide material using a lecture method, followed by discussion and questions and answers. Questions asked for <em>pre </em>and <em>post-test </em>are the same, namely the definition of cosmetics, the purpose of using cosmetics, how to store cosmetics, how to use cosmetics safely, how to choose to buy cosmetics from the marketplace, Knowing Dangerous Cosmetic Ingredients, Seeing Cosmetic ED, How to Store Cosmetics and regarding if you experience irritation/ side effects from cosmetic preparations, then the last order that was carried out after providing the material was that residents' knowledge increased when they filled out the same questionnaire again and was quite different compared to before. Like Knowledge of the meaning of cosmetics education who knew the meaning of cosmetics was 10 people or 45.4% after education increased to 19 people or 86.4% and for other questions there was an increase after providing the material. It can be said that the Community Service Activities that have been carried out can broaden the knowledge of teenagers.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JPMI (Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Inovatif) Improving Access to Patient Services at Pharmaceutical Health Services Unit through Health Service Promotion Programs 2024-06-20T08:11:50+00:00 Cyntia Wulandari Oktaviana Zunnita Lusi Agus Setiani <p>Health promotion is the dissemination of health messages or a form of health education and improving health for the community. Health promotion activities, one of which is free health services to the community, can increase people's enthusiasm to come to health facilities. The purpose of this activity is to increase access to health services from Universitas Pakuan human resources to Pakuan Farma Pharmacy. Activities are carried out with the basic health check method of degenerative diseases recording the results of examinations and providing education and referrals for health therapies and ways of recommending healthy living. Promotion of health service facilities Pakuan Farma Pharmacy with the distribution of pharmacy brochures and multivitamins and activity participants can also get a free consultation from doctor Ghrena from the Health Unit of Faculty in Universitas Pakuan to get therapy and the use of appropriate drugs and drugs on prescriptions can be obtained from Pakuan Farma Pharmacy. The number of participants who participated in the activity was 91 participants with the average results of checking blood sugar levels 115 mg / dL, Cholesterol 189.67 mg / dL, Uric Acid (Men) 5.8 mg / dL, Uric Acid (Women) 5.8 mg / dL, Blood Pressure 136 / 84 mmHg and Average Body Weight 65 Kg. The average results of health checks show that the health service program has had a positive impact on knowing health conditions or first screening for Universitas Pakuan human resources who participated in this activity. Although most parameters are within normal ranges, continued efforts need to be made to prevent and manage certain health risk factors, especially in blood pressure. With a deep understanding of this condition, it is hoped that health service programs can continue to be improved to support the overall welfare of Universitas Pakuan human resources.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JPMI (Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Inovatif) Training In Manufacturing Multipurpose Eco-Enzyme Liquids for Farmers Group 2024-06-22T15:49:30+00:00 Prasetyorini Djarot Triastinurmiatiningsih Tri Saptari Haryani Wahyu Prihatini Moerfiah Ismanto Sata Yoshida Srie Rahayu Cecep Sudrajat <p>Eco-enzyme is an active ingredient from organic waste that can be used for various daily purposes such as fertilizer, herbicide, cleaning fluid, and even medicine, this is because it contains <em>Lactobacillus, Asotobacter xylinum, </em>yeast fungi, and <em>lactic acid bacteria</em>, enzymes (such as protease, amylase, lipase), minerals, and secondary metabolites (such as polyphenols, alkaloids, antioxidants). By utilizing ecoenzymes optimally, it will support the use of household organic waste with an environmentally friendly concept. And this is also an effort to reduce disruption to the environment due to landfills, which can be done by utilizing household organic waste to make eco-enzymes. The aim of this service is to provide training in making eco-enzymes as a multi-purpose liquid which will have an impact on waste utilization. Organic which is oriented towards maintaining a clean environment. The first method used was socialization and continued with presentation of material about what eco-enzymes, why we need to develop them, how to make eco-enzymes and how to use them. The material was delivered through a presentation using a projector and the production was carried out by demonstrating how to make eco-enzymes. This activity was carried out by delivering presentation material about eco-enzymes. The training was carried out at the homes of Tanah Baru Village residents with the permission of the Village Head. The training participants were farmers of the Tanah Baru Subdistrict Farmers Group, totalling 20 people and several village officials. The training was held on June 13 2022 which included counselling and demonstrations on making eco-enzyme solutions from fruit peels and vegetable waste. The training participants seemed very enthusiastic by asking questions and having lots of discussions about eco-enzymes and their uses, participants also actively participated in manufacturing activities.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JPMI (Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Inovatif) Education on The Use of Antibiotics to Reduce Resistance Rates in Integrated Coaching Post for The Elderly 2024-06-20T08:15:06+00:00 Eni Koniah Dewi Oktavia Gunawan Nyayu Siti Aminah Lily Elfrieda Aas Sa'adah <p>Antibiotic resistance is a serious public health problem because it has the potential to pose a serious threat to health services if not treated, and could trigger another pandemic. The use of antibiotics in Indonesia is quite high and inappropriate, this will increase the incidence of resistance. Antibiotic resistance is reported to increase in direct proportion to the increase in consumption, this occurs due to irrational use of antibiotics and inadequate public education. Therefore, this community service activity is carried out with the aim of providing education to increase and expand public knowledge about the correct use of antibiotics, as well as to increase public awareness about the importance of using antibiotics correctly to reduce the incidence of resistance. The method used to provide education in the lecture method using LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) and Leaflet media, to present information on the correct use of antibiotics. Respondents are given the opportunity to ask questions followed by discussion. To measure the level of knowledge, 30 respondents were asked to answer 15 questions in a list of questions related to the material provided. The results showed that before education the knowledge level category was good as many as 18 respondents (60%), after education it increased to 29 respondents (96.0%), the knowledge level category was not good before education as many as 12 respondents (40.0%), after education it became 1 respondent (3.0%). The conclusion is that there is an increase in knowledge among respondents who are educated about how to use antibiotics correctly.</p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 JPMI (Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Inovatif)