Author Guidelines

A.  General Rules 

Manuscripts should have never been published before or are not being considered for publication elsewhere and articles must meet JPMI's writing guidelines before being sent to the editor to simplify the publishing process. This author's guide consists of:

  1. The author(s) must use the JPMI Download Template for manuscript format conformity.
  2. The manuscript should be written in good Indonesian or English and it is strongly recommended that they be peer-reviewed by an English language specialist prior to submission.
  3. The manuscript should be written with correct spelling and grammar, effective sentences, and coherent paragraph arrangements.
  4. The turnitin value should be below 20%.
  5. Script is written as writing guidelines in template, minimum 6 pages.
  6. The format of article submitted is Microsoft Word (.doc / .docx), maximum 2 MB.

B.  Manuscripts Structure

Manuscripts in general should be organized in the following order: Title, Author Name and Affiliatiosn, Abstract and Keyword, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements (optional) and References.

  1. Article Title: Titles must be specific, unambiguous, and complete with 16 pt, Times New Roman, lower case.
  2. Authors Name and Affiliations
    • Author(s) names must be without a title and professional positions and all authors' last names should not be abbreviated.
    • Add affiliation which includes the name of the department/collage (or faculty), name of the university or institution, address, country.
    • Please indicate Corresponding Author (include email address) by adding an asterisk (*) in superscript behind the author's name.
  3. Abstract and Keywords: An abstract should stand alone, accurate, brief, clear, and specific.
    • The abstract should tell the prospective reader what you did and highlight the key findings and should contain the background and the aim of the paper, methods, main results, and conclusions. 
    • Avoid using technical jargon and uncommon abbreviations.
    • The abstract should be written within 200‐300 words.
    • Keywords are written in English, 3–5 keywords or phrases, arranged alphabetically and separated using semicolons (;).
    • Do not use terms that are too general or too long.
  4. Introduction: The Introduction should contain general background, state-of-the-art review, gap analysis or scientific novelty statement, the research problem or hypothesis, and the research objective. 
    • The problem background should be adequately provided, but not excessively.
    • The existing solutions / state-of-the-art studies (including literature review, related works) should be concisely presented.
    • The gap analysis should be adequately explained. This gap may explain the main limitation or differentiation of approach from the previous research. It may show the scientific novelty of the proposed study. 
    • The study aim should be stated precisely and explicitly. This aim should be related to the research gap;
    • The literature review or related works should be included in the Introduction chapter, not as a separate chapter.
    • This discussion of related works can be presented as the literature review. However, It should not be presented as the review of the author-by-author results but should be grouped by their methods or topics.
  5. Research Methods: The research methods must contain the research procedure, used method/algorithm/model, datasets (including the amount and methods to obtain them), tool/platform/software, and test design. The review articles need not have this chapter.
    • The research procedure or framework describes the stages of research/development undertaken to achieve the research's objectives/outputs.
    • It should describe the methods/algorithms and models (including analysis or statistical) used in the study.
    • If provided, the datasets explanation should be adequately provided, including their number, types, and gain methods.
    • It may inform the materials/platforms used in the study, including the materials and the tools/software/hardware/platforms.
    • It should describe the test design to obtain the result data and their analysis.
  6. Results and Discussion: Results should be clear and concise. They should summarize (scientific) findings rather than provide data in great detail. 
    • All results in this chapter must be discussed adequately. The discussion can be presented with the results or in a separate sub-chapter. A manuscript with less discussion of results will be considered rejected.
    • The discussion should explore the relation of the findings to the original questions or objectives outlined in the Introduction.
    • The discussion should provide an interpretation for each of the findings scientifically;
    • The discussion should also explore the significance of the findings. It may highlight the conformities/differences between the findings of this study and the previous ones.
  7. Conclusion: The conclusion should answer the objectives of the study concisely.
    • It should provide a clear scientific justification for the study.
    • It should not repeat the abstract or the experimental results.
    • It may give an indication of possible applications, extensions, and future experiments suggestions.
  8. Acknowledgments (Optional): Recognize those who helped in the research, especially funding institutions of your research. It may include individuals who have assisted you in your study: Advisors, Financial supporters, or may another supporter, i.e., Proofreaders, Typists, and Suppliers, who may have given materials. Do not acknowledge one of the authors' names.
  9. References
    • All references cited in the article text must be listed in the References. The References should contain at least 16 (sixteen) references from primary sources (scientific journals, conference proceedings, research reference books), which are published within 5 (five) years.
    • The cited reference must be relevant to the paragraph or sentence that refers to it. These references can be cited in literature studies, gap statements, and discussion of results.
    • References from journals must contain information on the author's name, title, full journal name (NOT abbreviated), volume, number (if any), page number, year, and title (if any).
    • References from conferences must contain the full conference name, the city and country of the conference host, the month and year of the conference, page number, and doi (if any).